Issue Notes

  1. Old vs. New Pension Schemes
    हिंदी, తెలుగు, മലയാളം
  2. Costs and Benefits of Fiscal Activism
    हिंदी, తెలుగు, മലയാളം
  3. Complexities and Analytics of Decentralization
    हिंदी, తెలుగు, മലയാളം
  4. Union-State Financial Relations: The Flow of Funds Between Institutions (11 May 2023)
  5. Indian Electricity Distribution Companies amidst Churn: Understanding Present Challenges and Shaping Future Opportunities (March 3 2024)
  6. The RBI Study of State Finances 2023-24: Fiscal Balance Improves but Fiscal Risks Remain (March 21, 2024)हिंदी
  7. Transfer of Budgetary Resources to States: Is it North Vs South or North and South?

  8. Understanding the Complexities of Regional Accounts

  9. State Budgets 2024-25: A Data Note  हिंदी
  10. Taxing of Mineral Rights: The Import of the Supreme Court Judgement.    हिंदी     മലയാളം