राज्य बजट 2024-25: आंकड़ों पर आधारित टिप्पणी

पिनाकी चक्रवर्ती

कौशिक के. भद्रा


आंकड़ों को दर्शाने वाली यह टिप्पणी 18 राज्यों के वर्ष 2024-25 के राज्य बजट पर आधारित है। वर्ष 2022-23, 2023-24 (RE) और 2024-25 (BE) के लिए प्राप्तियों एवं व्यय के मदों से संबंधित मुख्य बातें यहाँ प्रस्तुत की गई हैं। इसके मुख्य अंश नीचे दिए गए हैं:

  1.   राजकोषीय एवं राजस्व घाटा: वर्ष 2022-23 के विवरण के अनुसार, सभी 18 राज्यों का राजकोषीय घाटा सम्मिलित रूप से उनके GSDP का 2.7% था। वर्ष 2023-24 (RE) की बात की जाए, तो यह सम्मिलित रूप से उनके GSDP का 3.41% था और वित्तीय वर्ष 2024-25 (BE) के दौरान इसके 3.11% होने का अनुमान है। वर्ष 2023-24 (RE) और 2024-25 (BE) के बीच राजकोषीय घाटे में कमी के साथ-साथ राज्यों के राजस्व घाटे में भी कमी आने की उम्मीद है। हालाँकि, इसी अवधि के दौरान कुछ प्रमुख राज्यों का राजस्व घाटा बढ़ने की भी संभावना है। इन राज्यों में हरियाणा, कर्नाटक, केरल और पश्चिम बंगाल शामिल हैं। इस अवधि में पंजाब का राजस्व घाटा राज्य GSDP के 3.23% से घटकर 2.89% होने की उम्मीद है।
  2. पूँजीगत परिव्ययः वर्ष 2022-23 और 2024-25 (BE) के बीच पूंजीगत परिव्यय GSDP के 2.13% से बढ़कर 2.65% होने की उम्मीद है।
  3. राज्यों द्वारा ऋण लेने की सीमा का कम उपयोग: वर्ष 2022-23 में, राज्यों ने पंद्रहवें वित्त आयोग की अनुशंसा के अनुसार अपनी ऋण सीमा का कम उपयोग किया। वर्ष 2022-23 के लिए ऋण सीमा के कम उपयोग का राज्यवार विवरण चित्र 1 में दिया गया है।
  4. बकाया ऋणः राज्यवार बकाया ऋण एवं GSDP अनुपात तथा संबंधित ब्याज भुगतान से पता चलता है कि, विभिन्न राज्यों में ऋण और ब्याज के बोझ राज्यों में काफी भिन्नता है। इसका राज्यवार विवरण चित्र 2 में दिया गया है।
  5. कर से संबंधित प्रयास और राज्य वस्तु एवं सेवा कर: तालिका 19 से यह स्पष्ट है कि अपने कुल कर राजस्व में राज्य वस्तु एवं सेवा कर (SGST) राजस्व का हिस्सा 2022-23 में 39.71% से बढ़कर वर्ष 2024-25 (BE) में 43.05% होने की उम्मीद है।
  6. अपना कर राजस्व: इस अवधि के दौरान अपना कर राजस्व प्रयास GSDP के 6.84% से बढ़कर 7.12% होने की उम्मीद है।
  7. कर हस्तांतरण: वर्ष 2022-23 और 2024-25 (BE) के बीच राज्यों को कर हस्तांतरण में मामूली बढ़ोतरी की उम्मीद है।
  8. केंद्रीय अनुदान: राज्यों को केंद्रीय अनुदान वर्ष 2022-23 और 2024-25 (BE) के बीच 1.92 प्रतिशत से घटकर 1.78 प्रतिशत होने की उम्मीद है।

प्रमुख राजकोषीय चर राशियों पर राज्यवार आंकड़े नीचे तालिका 1 से 18 में प्रस्तुत किए गए हैं। तालिका 19 में 18 राज्यों के सम्मिलित आंकड़े दिए गए हैं, जिनसे इन 18 राज्यों की वित्तीय स्थिति का पूरा विवरण मिलता है।

Figure 1: Fiscal Deficit Relative to GSDP in Major States: 2022-23 Actuals

Source: State Budgets 2024-25.

Figure 2: Outstanding Debt and Interest Payments relative to GSDP in Major States: 2022-23 Actuals

1: Andhra Pradesh

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 78089.0 95756.8 109538.0
SGST 27981.2 33500.0 38000.0
Own Non-Tax Revenue 5416.9 10500.0 14400.0
Tax Devolution 38113.5 44642.2 49286.6
Grants-in-Aid 36148.6 45803.8 32127.6
Total Revenue Receipts 157768.0 196702.8 205352.2
Interest Payments 25492.3 28673.7 28017.2
Revenue Expenditure 201255.5 228237.8 230110.4
Capital Outlay 7244.1 27308.1 30530.2
Revenue Deficit 43487.5 31534.9 24758.2
Fiscal Deficit 52508.3 60153.6 55817.5
Primary Deficit 27016.1 31479.9 27800.3
Outstanding Liabilities 428715.7 479214.0 535031.5
GSDP 1317728 1439081 1590242
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 5.93 6.65 6.89
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 35.83 34.98 34.69
Own Non-Tax Revenue 0.41 0.73 0.91
Tax Devolution 2.89 3.10 3.10
Grants-in-Aid 2.74 3.18 2.02
Total Revenue Receipts 11.97 13.67 12.91
Interest Payments 1.93 1.99 1.76
Revenue Expenditure 15.27 15.86 14.47
Capital Outlay 0.55 1.90 1.92
Revenue Deficit 3.30 2.19 1.56
Fiscal Deficit 3.98 4.18 3.51
Primary Deficit 2.05 2.19 1.75
Outstanding Liabilities 32.53 33.30 33.64

Source: Andhra Pradesh Budget Documents 2024-25.

2: Bihar

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 44018.0 50400.0 54300.0
SGST 23243.0 31111.0 31565.0
Own Non-Tax Revenue 4135.0 6582.0 7326.0
Tax Devolution 95510.0 102737.0 113012.0
Grants-in-Aid 29026.0 54775.0 52161.0
Total Revenue Receipts 172689.0 214494.0 226799.0
Interest Payments 15184.0 18354.0 20526.0
Revenue Expenditure 183976.0 250024.0 225677.0
Capital Outlay 31520.0 39623.0 29416.0
Revenue Deficit 11287.0 35530.0 -1122.0
Fiscal Deficit 44823.3 76466.0 29095.4
Primary Deficit 29639.3 58112.0 8569.4
Outstanding Liabilities 293044.4 307105.0 348370.5
GSDP 751396 860238 976514
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 5.86 5.86 5.56
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 52.80 61.73 58.13
Own Non-Tax Revenue 0.55 0.77 0.75
Tax Devolution 12.71 11.94 11.57
Grants-in-Aid 3.86 6.37 5.34
Total Revenue Receipts 22.98 24.93 23.23
Interest Payments 2.02 2.13 2.10
Revenue Expenditure 24.48 29.06 23.11
Capital Outlay 4.19 4.61 3.01
Revenue Deficit 1.50 4.13 -0.11
Fiscal Deficit 5.97 8.89 2.98
Primary Deficit 3.94 6.76 0.88
Outstanding Liabilities 39.00 35.70 35.67

Source: Bihar Budget Documents 2024-25.

3: Chhattisgarh

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 33122.3 40600.0 49700.0
SGST 11298.0 13957.0 17446.0
Own Non-Tax Revenue 15248.2 18400.0 18700.0
Tax Devolution 32358.3 39750.0 44000.0
Grants-in-Aid 13148.3 12600.0 13500.0
Total Revenue Receipts 93877.1 111350.0 125900.0
Interest Payments 6382.0 7042.0 7931.0
Revenue Expenditure 85285.0 127019.6 124840.0
Capital Outlay 13320.0 21259.0 22300.0
Revenue Deficit -8592.1 15669.6 -1060.0
Fiscal Deficit 4691.2 33367.9 19695.6
Primary Deficit -1690.8 26325.9 11764.6
Outstanding Liabilities 101703.4 126471.8 142680.9
GSDP 464399 505887 561736
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 7.13 8.03 8.85
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 34.11 34.38 35.10
Own Non-Tax Revenue 3.28 3.64 3.33
Tax Devolution 6.97 7.86 7.83
Grants-in-Aid 2.83 2.49 2.40
Total Revenue Receipts 20.21 22.01 22.41
Interest Payments 1.37 1.39 1.41
Revenue Expenditure 18.36 25.11 22.22
Capital Outlay 2.87 4.20 3.97
Revenue Deficit -1.85 3.10 -0.19
Fiscal Deficit 1.01 5.81 2.90
Primary Deficit -0.36 5.20 2.09
Outstanding Liabilities 21.90 25.00 25.40

Source: Chhattisgarh Budget Documents 2024-25.

4: Goa

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 7825.0 8933.0 9392.0
SGST 3536.0 3968.0 4367.0
Own Non-Tax Revenue 3869.0 6066.0 6124.0
Tax Devolution 3665.0 4236.0 4708.0
Grants-in-Aid 1923.0 1618.0 1507.0
Total Revenue Receipts 17282.0 20853.0 21731.0
Interest Payments 1816.0 1914.0 2050.0
Revenue Expenditure 14884.0 19947.0 19888.0
Capital Outlay 3441.0 4680.0 4853.0
Revenue Deficit -2398.0 -906.0 -1843.0
Fiscal Deficit 1110.6 3841.5 3149.5
Primary Deficit -705.4 1927.5 1099.5
Outstanding Liabilities 21940.5 23971.6 26605.3
GSDP 91417 100000 121309
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 8.56 8.93 7.74
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 45.19 44.42 46.50
Own Non-Tax Revenue 4.23 6.07 5.05
Tax Devolution 4.01 4.24 3.88
Grants-in-Aid 2.10 1.62 1.24
Total Revenue Receipts 18.90 20.85 17.91
Interest Payments 1.99 1.91 1.69
Revenue Expenditure 16.28 19.95 16.39
Capital Outlay 3.76 4.68 4.00
Revenue Deficit -2.62 -0.91 -1.52
Fiscal Deficit 1.21 3.84 2.60
Primary Deficit -0.77 1.93 0.91
Outstanding Liabilities 24.00 23.97 21.93

Source: Goa Budget Documents 2024-25.

5: Gujarat

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 124810.0 134076.0 148950.0
SGST 52154.0 61815.0 74597.0
Own Non-Tax Revenue 18434.0 19262.0 19675.0
Tax Devolution 33034.0 41649.0 42245.0
Grants-in-Aid 23131.0 20807.0 18783.0
Total Revenue Receipts 199409.0 215794.0 229653.0
Interest Payments 25354.0 27790.0 29954.0
Revenue Expenditure 179543.0 197175.0 219832.0
Capital Outlay 35499.0 58696.0 75689.0
Revenue Deficit -19866.0 -18619.0 -9821.0
Fiscal Deficit 16845.0 42480.0 51917.0
Primary Deficit -8509.0 14690.0 21963.0
Outstanding Liabilities 338476.0 377962.0 426380.0
GSDP 2230609 2464300 2792545
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 5.60 5.44 5.33
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 41.79 46.10 50.08
Own Non-Tax Revenue 0.83 0.78 0.70
Tax Devolution 1.48 1.69 1.51
Grants-in-Aid 1.04 0.84 0.67
Total Revenue Receipts 8.94 8.76 8.22
Interest Payments 1.14 1.13 1.07
Revenue Expenditure 8.05 8.00 7.87
Capital Outlay 1.59 2.38 2.71
Revenue Deficit -0.89 -0.76 -0.35
Fiscal Deficit 0.76 1.72 1.86
Primary Deficit -0.38 0.60 0.79
Outstanding Liabilities 15.17 15.34 15.27

Source: Gujarat Budget Documents 2024-25.

6: Haryana

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 62960.8 73586.0 84551.1
SGST 28576.6 32893.0 37498.0
Own Non-Tax Revenue 8742.6 8582.7 9243.5
Tax Devolution 10378.0 12072.1 13332.2
Grants-in-Aid 7113.3 11546.2 9512.1
Total Revenue Receipts 89194.7 105786.9 116638.9
Interest Payments 20095.6 22249.9 25141.7
Revenue Expenditure 106406.2 118951.5 134456.4
Capital Outlay 11665.0 14442.9 16280.9
Revenue Deficit 17211.5 13164.5 17817.5
Fiscal Deficit 31026.9 30650.5 33634.5
Primary Deficit 10931.3 8400.6 8492.8
Outstanding Liabilities 255325.0 284864.0 317982.0
GSDP 984055 1095535 1216044
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 6.40 6.72 6.95
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 45.39 44.70 44.35
Own Non-Tax Revenue 0.89 0.78 0.76
Tax Devolution 1.05 1.10 1.10
Grants-in-Aid 0.72 1.05 0.78
Total Revenue Receipts 9.06 9.66 9.59
Interest Payments 2.04 2.03 2.07
Revenue Expenditure 10.81 10.86 11.06
Capital Outlay 1.19 1.32 1.34
Revenue Deficit 1.75 1.20 1.47
Fiscal Deficit 3.15 2.80 2.77
Primary Deficit 1.11 0.77 0.70
Outstanding Liabilities 25.95 26.00 26.15

Source: Haryana Budget Documents 2024-25.

7: Jharkhand

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 25117.5 28711.7 34200.0
SGST 11374.0 12000.0 15375.0
Own Non-Tax Revenue 12830.1 16115.8 19300.4
Tax Devolution 31404.1 36525.6 40338.2
Grants-in-Aid 10893.5 13875.6 16961.4
Total Revenue Receipts 80245.2 95228.8 110800.0
Interest Payments 6238.3 7499.0 7054.6
Revenue Expenditure 66681.6 88093.2 91831.5
Capital Outlay 14015.6 21673.9 23987.2
Revenue Deficit -13563.6 -7135.6 -18968.5
Fiscal Deficit 4616.7 11690.7 9499.7
Primary Deficit -1621.6 4191.7 2445.1
Outstanding Liabilities 118448.0 131015.4 126928.1
GSDP 393722 428155 470104
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 6.38 6.71 7.27
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 45.28 41.79 44.96
Own Non-Tax Revenue 3.26 3.76 4.11
Tax Devolution 7.98 8.53 8.58
Grants-in-Aid 2.77 3.24 3.61
Total Revenue Receipts 20.38 22.24 23.57
Interest Payments 1.58 1.75 1.50
Revenue Expenditure 16.94 20.58 19.53
Capital Outlay 3.56 5.06 5.10
Revenue Deficit -3.44 -1.67 -4.03
Fiscal Deficit 1.17 2.73 2.02
Primary Deficit -0.41 0.98 0.52
Outstanding Liabilities 30.08 30.60 27.00

Source: Jharkhand Budget Documents 2024-2

8: Karnataka

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 163990.3 161494.0 189893.0
SGST 61403.3 71367.0 86475.0
Own Non-Tax Revenue 13914.2 12000.0 13499.6
Tax Devolution 34596.2 40280.9 44485.5
Grants-in-Aid 16579.1 13005.0 15299.7
Total Revenue Receipts 229079.8 226779.9 263177.8
Interest Payments 28427.2 30542.8 39233.5
Revenue Expenditure 215584.0 240731.0 290531.4
Capital Outlay 57348.2 51231.3 52903.0
Revenue Deficit -13495.8 13951.1 27353.5
Fiscal Deficit 46622.3 68505.1 82980.6
Primary Deficit 18195.1 37962.3 43747.1
Outstanding Liabilities 522847.0 581228.0 665095.0
GSDP 2181217 2567340 2809063
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 7.52 6.29 6.76
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 37.44 44.19 45.54
Own Non-Tax Revenue 0.64 0.47 0.48
Tax Devolution 1.59 1.57 1.58
Grants-in-Aid 0.76 0.51 0.54
Total Revenue Receipts 10.50 8.83 9.37
Interest Payments 1.30 1.19 1.40
Revenue Expenditure 9.88 9.38 10.34
Capital Outlay 2.63 2.00 1.88
Revenue Deficit -0.62 0.54 0.97
Fiscal Deficit 2.14 2.67 2.95
Primary Deficit 0.83 1.48 1.56
Outstanding Liabilities 23.97 22.64 23.68

Source: Karnataka Budget Documents 2024-25.

9: Kerala

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 71968.2 77038.3 84883.5
SGST 29513.3 32595.8 35874.6
Own Non-Tax Revenue 15118.0 16853.1 18356.5
Tax Devolution 18260.7 21285.6 23882.4
Grants-in-Aid 27377.9 11660.2 11532.8
Total Revenue Receipts 132724.7 126837.1 138655.2
Interest Payments 25176.4 26843.2 28694.2
Revenue Expenditure 141950.9 151422.4 166501.2
Capital Outlay 13996.6 14398.2 15663.2
Revenue Deficit 9226.3 24585.3 27846.1
Fiscal Deficit 25554.5 40461.4 44529.0
Primary Deficit 378.2 13618.2 15834.7
Outstanding Liabilities 362191.9 402634.0 447857.3
GSDP 1046188 1174244 1311437
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 6.88 6.56 6.47
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 41.01 42.31 42.26
Own Non-Tax Revenue 1.45 1.44 1.40
Tax Devolution 1.75 1.81 1.82
Grants-in-Aid 2.62 0.99 0.88
Total Revenue Receipts 12.69 10.80 10.57
Interest Payments 2.41 2.29 2.19
Revenue Expenditure 13.57 12.90 12.70
Capital Outlay 1.34 1.23 1.19
Revenue Deficit 0.88 2.09 2.12
Fiscal Deficit 2.44 3.45 3.40
Primary Deficit 0.04 1.16 1.21
Outstanding Liabilities 34.62 34.29 34.15

Source: Kerala Budget Documents 2024-25.

10: Madhya Pradesh

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 72611.0 87545.0 102097.0
SGST 23397.0 32000.0 40000.0
Own Non-Tax Revenue 19878.0 17301.0 20603.0
Tax Devolution 74543.0 86703.0 95753.0
Grants-in-Aid 36954.0 40184.0 44892.0
Total Revenue Receipts 203986.0 231733.0 263345.0
Interest Payments 19453.0 23994.0 27400.0
Revenue Expenditure 199895.0 231112.0 261644.0
Capital Outlay 44438.0 67178.0 61633.0
Revenue Deficit -4091.0 -621.0 -1701.0
Fiscal Deficit 41203.0 54449.0 62564.0
Primary Deficit 21750.0 30455.0 35164.0
Outstanding Liabilities 363775.8 423841.6 491677.1
GSDP 1322821 1513720 1522220
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 5.49 5.78 6.71
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 32.22 36.55 39.18
Own Non-Tax Revenue 1.50 1.14 1.35
Tax Devolution 5.64 5.73 6.29
Grants-in-Aid 2.79 2.65 2.95
Total Revenue Receipts 15.42 15.31 17.30
Interest Payments 1.47 1.59 1.80
Revenue Expenditure 15.11 15.27 17.19
Capital Outlay 3.36 4.44 4.05
Revenue Deficit -0.31 -0.04 -0.11
Fiscal Deficit 3.11 3.60 4.11
Primary Deficit 1.64 2.01 2.31
Outstanding Liabilities 27.50 28.00 32.30

Source: Madhya Pradesh Budget Documents 2024-25.

11: Maharashtra

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 277486.0 326281.0 342919.0
SGST 121256.0 144791.0 155756.0
Own Non-Tax Revenue 16776.0 24620.0 26775.0
Tax Devolution 60002.0 69771.0 77054.0
Grants-in-Aid 51414.0 65444.0 52715.0
Total Revenue Receipts 405678.0 486116.0 499463.0
Interest Payments 41689.0 48578.0 56727.0
Revenue Expenditure 407614.0 505647.0 519514.0
Capital Outlay 61644.0 85657.0 85292.0
Revenue Deficit 1936.0 19531.0 20051.0
Fiscal Deficit 67602.0 111956.0 110355.0
Primary Deficit 25913.0 63378.0 53628.0
Outstanding Liabilities 630737.9 711788.2 785269.9
GSDP 3645884 4044251 4267771
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 7.61 8.07 8.04
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 43.70 44.38 45.42
Own Non-Tax Revenue 0.46 0.61 0.63
Tax Devolution 1.65 1.73 1.81
Grants-in-Aid 1.41 1.62 1.24
Total Revenue Receipts 11.13 12.02 11.70
Interest Payments 1.14 1.20 1.33
Revenue Expenditure 11.18 12.50 12.17
Capital Outlay 1.69 2.12 2.00
Revenue Deficit 0.05 0.48 0.47
Fiscal Deficit 1.85 2.77 2.59
Primary Deficit 0.71 1.57 1.26
Outstanding Liabilities 17.30 17.60 18.40

Source: Maharashtra Budget Documents 2024-25.


12: Odisha

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 46553.9 54000.0 59000.0
SGST 18600.5 23500.0 25177.5
Own Non-Tax Revenue 42719.5 52500.0 56000.0
Tax Devolution 42989.3 50011.7 55231.8
Grants-in-Aid 18199.6 28988.3 33768.2
Total Revenue Receipts 150462.3 185500.0 204000.0
Interest Payments 5502.3 6724.0 7566.0
Revenue Expenditure 131006.1 163089.4 166922.6
Capital Outlay 33349.0 46152.0 61162.0
Revenue Deficit -19456.2 -22410.6 -37077.4
Fiscal Deficit 15219.0 24981.8 27749.5
Primary Deficit 9716.7 18257.7 20183.5
Outstanding Liabilities 88164.9 103146.6 125550.0
GSDP 753177 832790 926063
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 6.18 6.48 6.37
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 39.95 43.52 42.67
Own Non-Tax Revenue 5.67 6.30 6.05
Tax Devolution 5.71 6.01 5.96
Grants-in-Aid 2.42 3.48 3.65
Total Revenue Receipts 19.98 22.27 22.03
Interest Payments 0.73 0.81 0.82
Revenue Expenditure 17.39 19.58 18.02
Capital Outlay 4.43 5.54 6.60
Revenue Deficit -2.58 -2.69 -4.00
Fiscal Deficit 2.02 3.00 3.00
Primary Deficit 1.29 2.19 2.18
Outstanding Liabilities 11.71 12.39 13.56

Source: Odisha Budget Documents 2024-25.


13: Punjab

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 42243.2 51400.0 58900.0
SGST 18127.8 22500.0 25750.0
Own Non-Tax Revenue 6231.9 10051.3 11246.3
Tax Devolution 17163.7 19958.2 22041.5
Grants-in-Aid 21976.8 17530.3 11748.4
Total Revenue Receipts 87615.6 98939.7 103936.2
Interest Payments 19905.1 22500.0 23900.0
Revenue Expenditure 113660.6 122751.5 127134.3
Capital Outlay 6667.2 6406.3 7445.0
Revenue Deficit 26045.0 23811.7 23198.1
Fiscal Deficit 33930.1 30310.6 30464.9
Primary Deficit 14024.9 7810.6 6564.9
Outstanding Liabilities 314220.8 343626.4 374091.3
GSDP 673107 736423 802701
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 6.28 6.98 7.34
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 42.91 43.77 43.72
Own Non-Tax Revenue 0.93 1.36 1.40
Tax Devolution 2.55 2.71 2.75
Grants-in-Aid 3.26 2.38 1.46
Total Revenue Receipts 13.02 13.44 12.95
Interest Payments 2.96 3.06 2.98
Revenue Expenditure 16.89 16.67 15.84
Capital Outlay 0.99 0.87 0.93
Revenue Deficit 3.87 3.23 2.89
Fiscal Deficit 5.04 4.12 3.80
Primary Deficit 2.08 1.06 0.82
Outstanding Liabilities 46.68 46.66 46.60

Source: Punjab Budget Documents 2024-25.

14: Rajasthan

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 87346.4 110600.5 125524.8
SGST 33790.5 48000.0 55800.0
Own Non-Tax Revenue 20564.4 20647.7 22665.4
Tax Devolution 57230.8 66556.7 79587.1
Grants-in-Aid 29846.3 39867.0 36684.0
Total Revenue Receipts 194987.9 237671.9 264461.3
Interest Payments 30601.9 34561.0 37537.8
Revenue Expenditure 226479.3 267743.8 290219.4
Capital Outlay 19798.3 34843.5 44216.5
Revenue Deficit 31491.4 30071.9 25758.1
Fiscal Deficit 51028.6 65081.7 70009.5
Primary Deficit 20426.7 30520.6 32471.6
Outstanding Liabilities 505120.6 570087.6 641188.1
GSDP 1357851 1528385 1781078
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 6.43 7.24 7.05
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 38.69 43.40 44.45
Own Non-Tax Revenue 1.51 1.35 1.27
Tax Devolution 4.21 4.35 4.47
Grants-in-Aid 2.20 2.61 2.06
Total Revenue Receipts 14.36 15.55 14.85
Interest Payments 2.25 2.26 2.11
Revenue Expenditure 16.68 17.52 16.29
Capital Outlay 1.46 2.28 2.48
Revenue Deficit 2.32 1.97 1.45
Fiscal Deficit 3.76 4.26 3.93
Primary Deficit 1.50 2.00 1.82
Outstanding Liabilities 37.20 37.30 36.00

Source: Rajasthan Budget Documents 2024-25.

15: Tamil Nadu

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 150222.8 170147.2 195173.0
SGST 53823.0 63338.0 73788.0
Own Non-Tax Revenue 17061.0 30380.6 30727.8
Tax Devolution 38731.2 45052.5 49755.0
Grants-in-Aid 37734.4 26996.4 23354.2
Total Revenue Receipts 243749.3 272576.8 299010.0
Interest Payments 47689.5 55886.0 63722.2
Revenue Expenditure 279964.0 317484.0 348289.0
Capital Outlay 39529.9 42531.7 47681.3
Revenue Deficit 36215.2 44906.8 49278.7
Fiscal Deficit 81885.8 94059.7 108689.9
Primary Deficit 34196.4 38173.7 44967.7
Outstanding Liabilities 636054.3 726908.0 832945.4
GSDP 2364514 2722502 3155096
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 6.35 6.25 6.19
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 35.83 37.23 37.81
Own Non-Tax Revenue 0.72 1.12 0.97
Tax Devolution 1.64 1.65 1.58
Grants-in-Aid 1.60 0.99 0.74
Total Revenue Receipts 10.31 10.01 9.48
Interest Payments 2.02 2.05 2.02
Revenue Expenditure 11.84 11.66 11.04
Capital Outlay 1.67 1.56 1.51
Revenue Deficit 1.53 1.65 1.56
Fiscal Deficit 3.46 3.45 3.44
Primary Deficit 1.45 1.40 1.43
Outstanding Liabilities 26.90 26.70 26.40

Source: Tamil Nadu Budget Documents 2024-25.

16: Telangana

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 106948.9 111798.1 138181.3
SGST 36248.4 39295.0 50762.7
Own Non-Tax Revenue 19554.0 23819.5 35208.4
Tax Devolution 19668.2 23742.0 26216.4
Grants-in-Aid 13179.2 9729.9 21636.2
Total Revenue Receipts 159350.3 169089.6 221242.2
Interest Payments 21821.2 23337.4 17729.8
Revenue Expenditure 153406.7 167384.7 220944.8
Capital Outlay 17880.6 44252.7 33486.5
Revenue Deficit 36215.2 44906.8 49278.7
Fiscal Deficit 32556.5 49372.8 49255.4
Primary Deficit 10735.3 26035.4 31525.6
Outstanding Liabilities 356486.0 401844.0 450918.0
GSDP 1308034 1463960 1646888
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 8.18 7.64 8.39
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 33.89 35.15 36.74
Own Non-Tax Revenue 1.49 1.63 2.14
Tax Devolution 1.50 1.62 1.59
Grants-in-Aid 1.01 0.66 1.31
Total Revenue Receipts 12.18 11.55 13.43
Interest Payments 1.67 1.59 1.08
Revenue Expenditure 11.73 11.43 13.42
Capital Outlay 1.37 3.02 2.03
Revenue Deficit 2.77 3.07 2.99
Fiscal Deficit 2.49 3.37 2.99
Primary Deficit 0.82 1.78 1.91
Outstanding Liabilities 27.25 27.45 27.38

Source: Telangana Budget Documents 2024-25.

17: Uttar Pradesh

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 174087.0 212731.0 270086.0
SGST 64140.9 87776.4 114248.7
Own Non-Tax Revenue 13489.5 11761.1 24434.8
Tax Devolution 169745.5 198135.4 218816.8
Grants-in-Aid 59919.6 102590.3 93464.7
Total Revenue Receipts 417241.5 525217.8 606802.4
Interest Payments 43008.0 49316.6 53712.0
Revenue Expenditure 379978.1 454771.3 532655.3
Capital Outlay 93028.4 146177.1 154747.5
Revenue Deficit -37263.4 -70446.5 -74147.1
Fiscal Deficit 64636.3 82514.5 86530.5
Primary Deficit 21628.3 33197.9 32818.5
Outstanding Liabilities 671133.9 747545.7 816926.0
GSDP 2257575 2361462 2499076
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 7.71 9.01 10.81
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 36.84 41.26 42.30
Own Non-Tax Revenue 0.60 0.50 0.98
Tax Devolution 7.52 8.39 8.76
Grants-in-Aid 2.65 4.34 3.74
Total Revenue Receipts 18.48 22.24 24.28
Interest Payments 1.91 2.09 2.15
Revenue Expenditure 16.83 19.26 21.31
Capital Outlay 4.12 6.19 6.19
Revenue Deficit -1.65 -2.98 -2.97
Fiscal Deficit 2.86 3.49 3.46
Primary Deficit 0.96 1.41 1.31
Outstanding Liabilities 29.73 31.66 32.69

Source: Uttar Pradesh Budget Documents 2024-25.

18: West Bengal

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 83608.6 92742.2 102348.9
SGST 37967.1 42858.1 47336.6
Own Non-Tax Revenue 2196.8 3148.1 6317.5
Tax Devolution 71434.9 83192.9 92900.3
Grants-in-Aid 38303.9 29576.0 34684.4
Total Revenue Receipts 195544.2 208659.1 236251.1
Interest Payments 40017.8 42275.3 45268.9
Revenue Expenditure 222838.9 236911.9 268202.8
Capital Outlay 22008.8 30536.9 35865.6
Revenue Deficit 27294.7 28252.8 31951.7
Fiscal Deficit 49966.1 59306.0 68250.2
Primary Deficit 9948.3 17030.7 22981.3
Outstanding Liabilities 574312.7 630783.5 693231.7
GSDP 1531758 1700939 1879453
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 5.46 5.45 5.45
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 45.41 46.21 46.25
Own Non-Tax Revenue 0.14 0.19 0.34
Tax Devolution 4.66 4.89 4.94
Grants-in-Aid 2.50 1.74 1.85
Total Revenue Receipts 12.77 12.27 12.57
Interest Payments 2.61 2.49 2.41
Revenue Expenditure 14.55 13.93 14.27
Capital Outlay 1.44 1.80 1.91
Revenue Deficit 1.78 1.66 1.70
Fiscal Deficit 3.26 3.49 3.63
Primary Deficit 0.65 1.00 1.22
Outstanding Liabilities 37.49 37.08 36.88

Source: West Bengal Budget Documents 2024-25.

19: All Major States Combined

₹ Crore
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 1653009 1887841 2159638
SGST 656431 797265 929817
Own Non-Tax Revenue 256179 308591 360603
Tax Devolution 848828 986302 1092646
Grants-in-Aid 472869 546597 524332
Total Revenue Receipts 3230885 3729330 4137218
Interest Payments 423853 478081 522166
Revenue Expenditure 3310409 3888497 4239194
Capital Outlay 526394 757048 803152
Revenue Deficit 121684 205778 151552
Fiscal Deficit 665826 939649 944188
Primary Deficit 241973 461568 422022
Outstanding Liabilities 6582699 7374037 8248728
GSDP 24675453 27539213 30329340
% of GSDP
Heads 2022-23 2023-24 RE 2024-25 BE
Own Tax Revenue 6.70 6.86 7.12
Of which, SGST (% of Own Tax Revenue) 39.71 42.23 43.05
Own Non-Tax Revenue 1.04 1.12 1.19
Tax Devolution 3.44 3.58 3.60
Grants-in-Aid 1.92 1.98 1.73
Total Revenue Receipts 13.09 13.54 13.64
Interest Payments 1.72 1.74 1.72
Revenue Expenditure 13.42 14.12 13.98
Capital Outlay 2.13 2.75 2.65
Revenue Deficit 0.49 0.75 0.50
Fiscal Deficit 2.70 3.41 3.11
Primary Deficit 0.98 1.68 1.39
Outstanding Liabilities 26.68 26.78 27.20

Source: Authors computations based on Tables 1 – 18.